List of the most frequent questions to understand and pay your toll passage on the Sanef motorways
Did you encounter a problem while passing through a Sanef or Sapn toll? Do you want to understand how to pay or what to pay? Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions!
- How can I pay my toll charge?
- How much does my toll cost?
- Who should I contact if I make a mistake?
- Motorway tolls in France: what category is my vehicle?
- How do I understand the toll amounts debited from my bank account?
- How to settle a finding of non-payment (CNP) following your passage at the toll?
- How to settle or dispute a payment advice when I go through the toll?
- What to do when I did not pay the correct amount during my visit?
- How do I get a receipt for my trip?
- A1 or A14 motorways: why does the price of your journey vary?
- What is the toll price for Paris-Lille on the A1 motorway?
- What is the toll price for Paris-Deauville on the A13 motorway?
- What is the toll price for Paris-Caen on the A13 motorway?
- What is the toll price for Paris-Reims on the A4 motorway?
- What is the toll price for Paris-Metz on the A4 motorway?