Péage Sanef et Sapn

Liber-t toll tag, bank cards or fuel cards*, cash: whatever means of payment you prefer, we ensure that you can pay simply and safely at the toll gate.

Useful information to guide you!

Croix rouge - voie fermée
Lane closed

Flèche verte - voie ouverte
Lane open

Paiement en espèce
Payment in cash

Flèche verte - voie ouverte Logo télépéage - voie Liber-t
Lane for all types of payment and toll tags

Logo télépéage - voie Liber-t
Lane reserved for toll tag payments
(stop & go)

Picto carte - voie CB Logo télépéage - voie Liber-t
Lane for payment by bank card and toll tag
(stop & go)

Voie télépéage 30km/h Logo télépéage - voie Liber-t
Lane reserved for toll tag payment without stopping
(drive through at 30 km/h)


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