Sanef assistance - FAQ

How to settle a finding of non-payment (CNP) following your passage at the toll?

Not enough change or forgotten bank card? Not being able to pay the toll, it can happen! A finding of non-payment (CNP) is then established.

Exemple de ticket de péage

To regularize your situation, 2 payment methods are accepted:

1 - By check lpayable to Sanef or Sapn depending on the network on which you have traveled.

👉 Write the CNP reference on the back of the check and send it to:
Sanef / Sapn
Service Comptabilité CNP
Echangeur des Essarts – BP 7

2 - By transfer to the bank account registered on your CNP (Sanef or Sapn IBAN).

👉 Please remember the CNP reference on the wording of the transfer so that you can be identified.

Keep your CNP receipt well, it is equivalent to invoice after payment.

*NB: the CNP reference is on the ticket (see the red box on the model opposite).

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