Sanef assistance - FAQ

The different speed limits

The first number that comes to mind when it comes to the speed limit on the motorway is limit on the motorway is usually 130 km/h! That said, depending on the conditions, this speed limit can vary. Here's everything you need to know everything you need to know about motorway speed limits to make sure you drive safely.

In normal traffic conditions, the speed limit for cars and motorcycles is 130 km/h. It is reduced to 110 km/h in case of rain or other precipitation (snow, hail) and can even be reduced to 50 km/h in foggy weather when visibility is less than 50 metres.

In addition to knowing the regulations, which should lead you to adopt the right speed, the posters on the illuminated signs and the repeated advice on the Sanef 107.7 radio station also help you to never exceed the limits.

Special cases

The speed on the motorway is reduced:

  • on the exit ramps leading to the secondary network or on the areas,
  • as they approach the toll gates,
  • on some bridges where there is no emergency lane or where they are exposed to strong winds,
  • on some sectors due to their configuration (sharp curves) or their location (urban sections limited to 100 or 90 km/h).

It is systematically lowered upstream and in the crossing of the work areas. The speed is reduced in stages (130 / 110 / 90 / 70 or even 50km/h very occasionally).

Construction site signs are strictly regulated. The distances for positioning the pre-alert and reminder signs are codified. This so-called temporary information, on a yellow background, must be taken into account at the first indication in order to anticipate, slow down and arrive at the work site at the right speed, without endangering oneself or other drivers and personnel working on the tracks.

On two-way motorways without a central divider, the speed limit is 80km/h maximum since 2018, or 90 in some departments. For other more specific situations, a sign will indicate the speed to be respected.

Knowing how to adapt your driving in all circumstances

While speed limits indicate the maximum speed allowed, it is essential to constantly adapt your driving to the weather conditions and traffic density.

The priority at the wheel, on the motorway as elsewhere, is safety, and that also means paying attention to each other! Staying focused on your driving, anticipating and respecting safety distances and be aware of other drivers to avoid dangerous situations.

Getting behind the wheel is also about making sure you are fit to drive

The road is a shared space where everyone must feel responsible for their own safety and that of other users.

If you are tired, do not drive or pass the wheel. During your journey, remember to stop regularly: take a break at least every two hours and more often if you feel tired: repeated yawning, tension, difficulty in concentrating, tingling eyes or a constant need to tingling eyes or an incessant need to change position are the first warning signs that you need to rest.

As a reminder, one in three accidents on the motorway is linked to sleepiness.

A minimum speed to be respected?

We often hear about maximum speeds on the road but less often about minimum speeds! Article R413-19 of the Highway Code states:

«No driver shall obstruct the normal movement of other vehicles by driving at an abnormally low speed without good reason. In especially on motorways, when traffic is flowing smoothly and weather conditions allow sufficient visibility and grip, drivers using the leftmost lane may not travelling at a speed of less than 80 km/h.;»

Indeed, a vehicle travelling at less than 80 km/h on the motorway can be extremely dangerous for be extremely dangerous for vehicles arriving at the maximum speed. As stipulated in the Highway Code, this rule applies in normal driving and weather conditions!

Penalties for infringements

Now that you know all about the speed limits on the motorway, here's what you risk if you don't keep to them.

All speeding violations over 5km/h are subject to fines and a deduction of points proportional to the to the offence.

A speeding ticket of:

  • less than 20km/h above the limit is punishable a fine of 68 euros and the removal of 1 point on the driving licence.
  • between 30 and 39 km/h: fine of 135 euros and the removal of 3 points.
  • between 40 and 49 km/h : fine of 135 euros and the removal of 4 points.
  • more than 50 km/h: to 1500 euros fine and removal of driving licence de 6 points.

For speeding at or above 30 km/h, the driver risk higher penalties such as a compulsory awareness training course, a 3 years suspension of the licence or confiscation of the vehicle.

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