In all circumstances, day and night and in all weathers, our teams operate
at the heart of the traffic, ensuring that their operations disrupt your movements
as little as possible. In order not to endanger them danger, when they approach,
you must be extra vigilant and adopt a responsible driving.
Never forget that our agents are not part of the scenery:
on the other side of the cone line or behind the signs, they remain vulnerable.
Can you see them? Slow down, and move out of danger!
Men and women in yellow in sight?
The 4-point code of good conduct:
- Increased vigilance and caution
- Appropriate speed
- Increased safety distance
- Patience, courtesy and respect.
Although our officers are safety professionals and are constantly trained and prepared for interventions on the tracks, they rely on your vigilance. For the safety of all depends on everyone's awareness of the consequences that any misbehaviour may have.
Men and women in the field
Our teams operate 24 hours a day to make your journeys more pleasant and safer. They are the first to be at your side to provide assistance. It is in the exercise of these missions that our patrolmen and agents are most vulnerable:
- Almost 1 in 2 accidents occur during the installation of work markings
- Nearly 1 in 3 impacts occur during interventions assistance to drivers involved in accidents or breakdowns.
Did you know?
Worksite signs, illuminated signs for intervention vehicles, variable message signs, announcements on Sanef 107.7 radio: you are always warned of the presence of our teams in the field. Don't be surprised!
A security corridor to protect our teams
You are driving on the motorway: an emergency vehicle equipped with special lights is stopped or driving at a slow speed on a shoulder or an emergency lane. Do you know that you are now obliged to change lanes or to move as far away as possible while reducing your speed to protect the teams in action? This is what is known as the called the safety corridor.
The safety corridor was written into the highway code in 2018: it requires drivers to change lanes so as to leave a clear lane between responders and their between the responders and their vehicles or to move as far to the left as possible left and slow down.
Failure to comply with this rule exposes you to a fourth class fine of a fixed fine of 135 euros and a potential loss of points.
Be attentive, be vigilant
The safety corridor is a virtual barrier to be set up between you, the driver, and the teams working near the traffic lanes. Only you have control of your vehicle to respect this vital space: stay focused on the road and only on the road (the SMS, calling or adjusting the GPS can wait for the next area). Do not ignore any signs of fatigue and take regular breaks to avoid falling asleep.
Did you know?
Every week, on average, three emergency vans are hit on French motorways. It is up to us to reduce this number!