How do I report damage to my vehicle after driving on the motorway?
Even though our motorways are constantly monitored and undergoing maintenance, your vehicle could suffer damage. Don't hesitate to report it. Send us a claim file containing:
- a copy of the invoice for the repairs or any other documents showing that the vehicle has undergone repairs,
- evidence that you were on the toll road (receipt, Liber-t tag number, or the first and last 4 digits of your bank card),
- a copy of your car registration document.
Any other information that will enable us to locate the incident and understand the circumstances in which it happened will help us to process your claim:
- the location of the incident, including the name of the motorway, the direction of travel, the kilometre marker, the area or the exit,
- the date and time,
- photographs of the damage.
Send us the full file:
By email, by clicking here
Or by post to:
Service Juridique
87,rue du Général Metman
BP 15232
F - 57076 METZ cedex 03
A different complaint? Contact the Sanef team here.