Before arriving in Rouen, stop at the Aire de Bord Nord, located on the A13 motorway from the capital in the direction of Caen, a few kilometres from the Parc ludique de La Pommeraie.


  • The A13 and A14 motorways are transformed into free-flow tolls!
    The stop at the toll? It's finish ! This year, the highways on the Paris-Normandy axis are switching to free-flow tolls! We explain everything to you in this video
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  • How to pay free-flow tolling?
    The tolls for the A14 and A13 motorways gradually become free-flowing on the Paris-Normandy axis. 3 options are available to you to pay within 72 hours after your visit. We explain everything to you in this video subtitled in English.
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  • Take a break!

  • Relax!

Equipment at the Bord Nord rest area

Aire de Bord - Autoroute A13

  • 43 parking spaces
  • 11 picnic tables

Choose the Bord Nord area for a picnic break when travelling on the A13 motorway from Paris towards Caen. It is located between the Vironvay Nord and Bosgouet Nord areas, about 100km before entering Caen.

You can take your children to have fun at the La Pommeraie playground, which is located a few minutes from the area. Located in the heart of the La Pommeraie district in Pont-de-l'Arche, it is a magnificent place that has been developed as a meeting place and playground for children. Make a diversion there!

See on the map