Take a rest at the area of Beauchêne Nord, located on the A13 motorway, from Paris towards Caen, a few kilometres from Tolysland.

Tips and offers

  • How to pay free-flow tolling?
    The A14 and A13 motorway tolls are in free flow on the Paris-Normandy axis. 3 options are available to you to pay within 72 hours after your visit. We explain everything to you in this video subtitled in English.
    Find out more
  • Take a break!

  • Relax!

Equipment at the Beauchêne Nord rest area

  • Over 40 parking spaces
  • 13 picnic tables

You are driving on the A13 motorway from the capital to Caen. For a picnic break, stop at the area of Beauchêne Nord, located between the area of Douains Nord and the area of Vironvay Nord, just over 70km from your destination.

For an unforgettable trip, why not visit the well-known theme park in the area: Tolysland. Open daily, it's the perfect place for family fun and relaxation. 

A swimming pool and various activities await both young and old. The park is located in the heart of the Seine Valley. Have fun if you stop by.

See on the map