Péage Sanef et Sapn

Getting to the North fo France from Paris

The North motorway or the A1 motorway is the fastest way by car to connect the capital Paris and the city of Lille. On its route, the A1 motorway serves other towns in the north such as Lens, Hénin-Beaumont or Calais via the A26 motorway!

The different tolls of the A1 motorway

During your journey on the A1 motorway, two toll gates are will find on your way. From Paris, you will therefore have to go through the Chamant toll station at km 44. In the other direction of traffic, it is by the Fresnes toll station at km 172 that you will enter our network motorway!

The price of the A1 tolls

The tolls of the A1 motorway operate in a "closed" system. The price of the toll on the A1 therefore depends on your entry and exit station. The amount is then calculated according to the distance you have traveled and your vehicle class!