Péage Sanef et Sapn

The A13 is a free-flow toll motorway

Pay your toll within 72 hours maximum after your journey on sanef.com.

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In Heudebouville the toll is now free flow!

If you take the A13 motorway at the Heudebouville toll (entrance or exit no. 18), or when entering Caen or simply continuing your journey towards Paris or Rouen, the toll is now a free flow toll! You have 72 hours to pay for your passage sanef.com or at a Nirio payment point!
The rates for this new access are available below.

Real-time traffic conditions on the A13:

To find out the real-time traffic conditions on the A13, check our map here!

Tips and offers

  • How to pay free-flow tolling?
    The A14 and A13 motorway tolls are in free flow on the Paris-Normandy axis. 3 options are available to you to pay within 72 hours after your visit. We explain everything to you in this video subtitled in English.
    Find out more

Free flow toll rates at Heudebouville - A13 motorway

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Free flow toll rates for entry to Caen at Heudebouville

Vehicle class Price including tax
Vehicle height <= 2m 2.4
Vehicle height 2m < 3m 3.7
Two-axle vehicle, height >= 3m 5.2
Vehicle with more than two axles, height >= 3m 7.6
Motorbike, side-car, tricycle 1.5

Free flow toll rates for entry/exit no. 18 to or from Paris to Heudebouville

No result.