A stopover at the Grands Traquiers area in the direction of Reims is a guaranteed way to go green. Bathe in serenity for a while to recharge your batteries. Take a regular break on the A26.

  • Take a break!

  • Relax!

Equipment at the Grands Traquiers rest area

  • 25 parking spaces
  • Accessibility for PRM
  • Playground

Find yourself a parking space among the 25 available to travellers and you'll be in a quiet environment away from the traffic of the A26 for a while.

Enjoy the food you have prepared for the occasion while keeping an eye on the children playing in the playground. Everything around you reconnects you to nature.

The Grands Traquiers rest area is a stopover that gives you the first taste of a good holiday. This route, rich in pleasures of the flesh and the spirit, is just waiting to be repeated at the first opportunity.

See on the map