You are well advised to stop at the Falaises de Widehem Est rest area on the A16 motorway towards Boulogne-sur-Mer. Reconnect with nature to relax and begin the rest of the journey with confidence.
Electric charging
Take a break!
Fancy a picnic?
- 20 parking spaces
- PRM accessibility
- 5 picnic tables
Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the Falaises de Widehem Est rest area is one of the links in the succession of rest areas that line the A16 motorway. The green setting gives you a feeling of serenity away from the traffic of the highway.
Find yourself a table-bench among the 5 available to travelers and enjoy the provisions you have prepared in peace. To avoid problems with drowsy driving, you can start the experience again by stopping in the car park just after the Herquelingue toll if you are going in the direction of Boulogne-sur-Mer or rather far towards Calais or Dunkirk.