This statement was drafted on 05/14/2024 for the website
It is valid from its publication, must be updated after 3 years, following major modifications of the site, or 18 months after a new version of the reference framework.

SANEF Commitment

SANEF is committed to making its websites, intranets, extranets, and software (as well as mobile applications and digital urban furniture) accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005.

We value inclusion and diversity, and we ensure that our website: is accessible to everyone, especially people with disabilities.

In this digital accessibility initiative, we are proud to collaborate with Accessiway.

We are firmly committed to a web for all. We aspire, in a long-term and responsible vision, to fully meet regulatory requirements, including RGAA 4.1.2.

To this end, SANEF implements the following strategy and actions:

  • Multi-year accessibility plan 2024-2027: in progress 
  • Action plan for the current year: in progress

Compliance Status

The website has an accessibility rate of 50.94% and is therefore Partially compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Framework (RGAA 4.1.2).

Test Results

The compliance audit carried out on 05/14/2024 by AccessiWay reveals that 50.94% of the RGAA version 4.1.2 criteria are met.

Details of the results:

  • Number of compliant criteria: 27
  • Number of non-compliant criteria: 26
  • Number of non-applicable criteria: 53

Non-accessible Content


  • 1.1: Does each information-carrying image have a textual alternative?
  • 1.2: Is each decorative image correctly ignored by assistive technologies?
  • 1.3: For each information-carrying image with a textual alternative, is this alternative relevant (except for specific cases)?
  • 2.1: Does each frame have a frame title?
  • 3.1: On each web page, is the information not given solely by color? Is this rule respected?
  • 3.2: On each web page, is the contrast between the text color and its background color sufficiently high (except for specific cases)?
  • 3.3: On each web page, are the colors used in interface components or graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasted (except for specific cases)?
  • 6.1: Is each link explicit (except for specific cases)?
  • 6.2: On each web page, does each link have a label?
  • 7.1: Is each script, if necessary, compatible with assistive technologies?
  • 7.3: Is each script controllable by the keyboard and any pointing device (except for specific cases)?
  • 7.5: On each web page, are status messages correctly rendered by assistive technologies?
  • 8.4: For each web page with a default language, is the language code relevant?
  • 8.6: For each web page with a page title, is this title relevant?
  • 9.1: On each web page, is the information structured using appropriate headings?
  • 9.2: On each web page, is the document structure consistent (except for specific cases)?
  • 9.3: On each web page, is each list correctly structured?
  • 10.1: On the website, are style sheets used to control the presentation of information?
  • 10.4: On each web page, does the text remain readable when the font size is increased up to 200% at least (except for specific cases)?
  • 10.7: On each web page, for each element receiving focus, is the focus visible?
  • 10.11: For each web page, can the content be presented without requiring both vertical scrolling for a window with a height of 256px or horizontal scrolling for a window with a width of 320px (except for specific cases)?
  • 11.1: Does each form field have a label?
  • 11.10: In each form, is input control used appropriately (except for specific cases)?
  • 12.1: Does each set of pages have at least two different navigation systems (except for specific cases)?
  • 12.7: On each web page, is there a skip link or quick access link to the main content area (except for specific cases)?
  • 12.8: On each web page, is the tab order consistent?

Exemptions for Disproportionate Burden

No content to mention.

Content Not Subject to Accessibility Requirements

No content to mention.

Establishment of This Accessibility Statement

This statement was established on 05/14/2024.

Technologies Used for the Website

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Testing Environment

Operating Systems:

  • Apple Mac OS X 13.4
  • Microsoft Windows 11
  • Apple iOS 16
  • Google Android 13

Browsers and Software:

The latest versions available on the various operating systems:

  • Google Chrome
  • Windows Edge
  • Safari
  • Brave
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader / Preview on Mac (for PDFs only)

Accessibility Evaluation Tools

  • Emulations of mice, magnifiers, and on-screen keyboards of various systems.
  • Voiceover (Apple systems only)
  • Talkback (Android only)
  • NVDA 2024 and Freedom Scientific Jaws 2022 (PC systems only)
  • Tanaguru webext RGAA4
  • RGAA Assistant
  • Graphic evaluation tools present on various systems (colors, contrasts, subtitles, etc.)

Pages Subject to Compliance Verification

  • Homepage
  • Legal Notices (PDF)
  • Authentication
  • Anonymous Payment (trip and AVP)
  • Create an Account
  • Verify Email
  • Post Login - Dashboard
  • Post Login - History
  • Post Login - Assistance
  • Post Login - Close My Account
  • Post Login - Create a Profile
  • Post Login - Profile
  • Post Login - Preferences
  • Post Login - My Vehicles
  • Post Login - My Payment Methods
  • Post Login - Funnel Add a Vehicle

Feedback and Contact

If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact Sanef’s accessibility manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.


If you notice an accessibility issue preventing you from accessing content or a functionality of the site and after reporting it to us, you do not receive a response, you are entitled to submit your grievances or a request for referral to the Defender of Rights. 

Several means are available to you:

Defender of Rights
Free response 71120
75342 Paris CEDEX 07